If you have difficulty paying attention, feel restless, have trouble initiating and/or completing tasks, you may have Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is very common among adults, although the symptoms may look very different than in children.
Our ADHD testing provides a comprehensive assessment to determine whether you have ADHD. It can also help to rule out other explanations for ADHD-like symptoms.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is a neurological disorder that affects the brain’s ability to regulate emotion and attention. The symptoms include difficulties with concentration, planning, organizing tasks and items, sitting still, and staying on-task.
There are three types of ADHD: inattentive type, impulsive/hyperactive type, and combined type. Just as the labels imply, the type of ADHD depends on whether you primarily struggle with attention, impulsivity, or both. But ADHD isn’t just about being easily distracted or having trouble concentrating – it can also affect your ability to self-regulate and your sensitivity to your environment.
Many people with ADHD experience both difficulties with focus as well as moments of hyper-focus where you tune the rest of the world out. Additionally, you can have trouble inhibiting your impulses, which is why you may have a tendency to interrupt others unintentionally. ADHD is primarily a deficit in executive functioning, the skills that you need to manage everyday tasks like making plans, solving problems and adapting to new situations.
Your diagnostic evaluation will be provided by a licensed clinical psychologist or a Masters level psychologist working towards their Ph.D/Psy.D who will gather information from multiple sources.
First, they will conduct an interview with you. This gives us in-depth information about your history including information from your development, education, professional life and family history. The interview can be performed virtually for flexibility of scheduling and convenience.
Second, we will have you complete standardized rating scales and personality measures, which provide important additional information. These rating scales can be completed online at your convenience. We will also ask that an observer assessment be completed. This is someone that is familiar with your behavior and can complete an assessment on your behalf.
We will also conduct tests of cognitive ability, achievement, executive functioning, and memory in person in order to rule out other possible causes of inattention/poor concentration.
Lastly, once all of the information is gathered, we put all of the pieces together and provide a comprehensive report of the findings. We will schedule a separate appointment with you to go over the findings and provide personalized recommendations.
We encourage you to reach out to schedule a free 15 minute phone consultation. You can tell us a little bit about what you would like to work on and we can determine which clinician is likely to be the best fit.