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How to Combat Burnout: 7 Ways to Cope

woman worried about election

Burnout.  We’ve all heard of it.  We’ve all experienced it. But what exactly is it and how can we combat it?

People who are burned out often feel:

  • Emotionally exhausted – like they’ve cared too much for too long
  • Cynical – they feel depleted of empathy and compassion
  • Decreased Sense of Accomplishment -they feel like nothing they do makes a difference

Burnout can look different depending on the person, and may manifest in ways such as:

  • Feeling overwhelmed and anxious
  • Feeling depressed
  • Feeling unmotivated around activities you used to have a passion for
  • Caring less about what you used to care a lot about
  • Self-medicating – drinking more alcohol or finding you are using food for comfort

Drs. Emily & Amelia Nagoski, authors of “Burnout: The Secret to Unlocking the Stress Cycle”, give us 7 ways to deal with burnout. These tools help you to work through stress and burnout, even if you’re not able to solve the situation that is stressing you out right away.

7 Ways to Combat Burnout

1. Physical Activity

How To Combat BurnoutExercise is a great way to blow off steam after a hard day.  Whether that be running, going to a yoga class, hiking, or taking a walk around the neighborhood – moving helps to reduce the body’s stress hormones and more ready to tackle what life throws our way.

2. Creativity

Creative projects provide a context in which we can experience our big emotions.  Think about that tearjerker you’ve watched a 1,000 times or that song that brings you back to a specific moment of your life.  The arts help us to celebrate and move through big feelings.

Creativity comes in many forms – painting, writing, cooking, or a pottery class.  Thinking about ways you can get creative is a good way to combat burnout.

3. Laughter

Laughing – a good old hearty laugh with a friend – helps us to feel closer to others and regulate our emotions. It creates the sense that things will be ok. Trying watching that YouTube video or TV show that always has you laughing out loud.

4. Breathing

It’s the oldest tool in the book for a reason. Deep, slow breaths regulate our intense emotions.

Take a few short breaks throughout your day to focus on your breathing.  Try:

  • inhaling for 5 counts
  • holding your breath for 5 counts
  • exhaling for 10 counts
  • then pausing for another count of 5

Do this 3 times and see how you feel.

5. Crying

Sometimes you just need a good cry. All that energy you’re holding in trying not to cry might actually be keeping you from moving past the stress and anxiety you’re feeling. Crying releases the stress hormones associated with the stressful situation. Go ahead, let yourself cry – you might actually feel better.

6. Positive Social Interaction

Positive, even casual, social interactions remind us that the world is a safe place and that we are not alone. Even if you’re spending most of your day by yourself, small positive exchanges, such as striking up a short conversation with the cashier or thanking the barista are little ways to brighten your day and combat burnout.

7. Affection

Deep connections with those we love and trust can help our body to relax and help us to feel cared for. It can be physical affection, but it doesn’t have to be. Ask a friend for a good hug or spend some time snuggling up with your pet.

We hope these strategies can help you combat burnout you may be experiencing, but if you are feeling truly overwhelmed, please contact us. A therapist can help you resolve the underlying issues causing the burnout, as well as arm you with tools when you experience it in the future.